Friday, December 1, 2006

Game of the Month Nov. 2006

November was a great month for gaming, giving us the launch of both the PS3 and Wii and an impressive bunch of tittles from all of the major systems. It was honestly a hard choice to figure out what game walks away with Gamerz Corner's game of the month award. We will be giving notice to the game of the month for each system as well as the overall winner of this prestige award.


The first game of the month winner for the Wii is "The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess"!

Without a classic Zelda title in about three years, this game is music to the ears of Zelda fans everywhere. It is without a doubt this is the Wii's Flagship tittle, quite possibly nintendo's halo. While it is not a perfect game because a lot of Wii specific elements seam to have been added at the last min., it is still an exciting game full of excitement, puzzles, and those classic Zelda elements. This title is a Zelda lovers dream come true.


This was the hardest choice out of all the systems. Microsoft put up quite the fight against the new Wii and PS3 with a arsenal of quality games like Rainbow Six: Vegas, F.E.A.R. and, Gears of War. I'm proud to say Gears of War takes the cake on this one.

My adrenaline was pumping as I played gears of war, in both single and multiplayer this game rages with excitement. The single player mode has a very new approach to the old man vs. alien story. All during the story there is great character development and never a dull momment. The multiplayer requires teamwork and strategy not spray and pray tactics that most games of this genre seam to have. On top of all this it is the best game I've seen from a visual standpoint, Not just because it is the first 360 tittle to support 1080p but because of the architecture and detail of the world around you, simply amazing. This is more than likely the most creative game I've played in quite some time, This game without a shawdow of a doubt replaces the Halo franchise as Microsoft's lead killer app.


Last but not least by any strech is Resistance Fall of Man.
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This game is without a doubt the best the PS3 has to offer at the moment, It really showcases the PS3's power. You play with the concept WII never happened and instead of blowing away German soldiers and blasting panzer tanks you find yourself up a against frighting alien species, like gears of war it takes a new approach to a old story. With its impressing visuals, intense multiplayer mode, compelling story, and top notch AI, this game should be a model for the future of FPS's.

Game of the Month for November 2006

This was more than a hard choice with so many new great games out this month we almost decided it was a tie. However we decided their has to be a winner, so after much debate the winner of Game of the Month for November 2006 *drumroll* goes to *drumroll intensifys* Gears of War!
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Attn: Halo Fans

On Dec. 4th During monday night football, Halo 3 will have a 60 sec. commercial spot. Unfortnatly Bungie is saying the commercial spot will be 100% CG no gameplay at all. This clip will only be on tv once but you will be able to download it on XBL is you miss it.

Xbox 1080p

Well the day has finaly come, if you have a bigscreen 1080p TV you can finaly enjoy the true HI-Def with you're 360. Now while it still doesnt support HDMI it is a step in the right direction for Microsoft if they expect to battle it out with Sony's PS3. If you wondering how to set it up...well it's simple turn on your 360 and it should automaticly download the lastest firmware patch in a matter of seconds. The patch also promises better headset preformance and more accurate recently played list.

Attn: Zelda Lovers!

If you just recently picked up the Wii and used you Wii points to pick up Zelda this might come in handy Full Zelda NES map! Have fun.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Eight Must Have Wii Accessories

The Nintendo Wii went on sale on Sunday, November 19. Thanks to the Unusually fun Wii Sports game, the Wii is the first console in quite a bit that lets you have fun straight out of the box. That doesn't mean there aren't a few key accessories you'll want to pick up to get the most out of your Wii experience.

First Is the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. While the Wii does Ship with a remote to start you will more than likely want to pick up a second. After all the real fun of the system is playing the head-to-head games like Wii Sports.
Wii Remote
The next of the eight is probably the best investment of the bunch. Now unlike PS3 and Xbox 360 whose controllers operate on rechargeable batteries you will find to some dismay that the Wii Remote uses AA batteries. Now don't frown and think of all the wasted money on batteries you're going to end up spending. Energizer makes a compact battery charger for a economical price to save you tons of cash on wasted AA batteries.
Energizer Battery Charger
The third is more for anyone who wants that fully backwards compatibility that the Wii offers. To play all your old favorites you will need a gamecube
controller. Now for anyone who owed a Gamecube this is no big deal but if you don't have one I would strongly suggest picking it up or you will not be able to play those good old games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.
Gamecube Controler
Number four is another upset for you Goldeneye and Perfect Dark fans. If you want to save your game on any of the downloaded Gamecube titles the Wii offers you have to have a Gamecube
Memory Card
Half way through the list comes The Wii Points Card. A
memory card, as you cannot save data onto the Wii internal memory or supported SD Cards.similar concept to Xbox Lives Microsoft Points, Wii points allow you to download all your old gamecube and NES favorites. They have a exchange rate of 100 Wii Points for every 1 US Dollar.

Sixth is not something you will find yourself needed right off the bat but down the road once you have filled you're Wii's 512MB internal Memory, you will want to pick up a SD memory card. You can buy Nintendo’s or a cheaper generic cousin, after all they all serve the same purpose.
SD Card
In addition to the downloadable GambeCube and NES Games, the Wii also offers online "channels," including news, weather, and an Opera Web browser! And you can get online for free via the Wii's built-in Wi-Fi. To do so, of course, you'll need a nearby wireless access point or router. Alternately, you can
plug the Nintendo's Wi-Fi USB Connecter into any nearby PC on a wired network, and the Wii plus your Nintendo DS will be able to use it to get online.

Last and
definitely not least for anyone with a big screen HDTV is a Component video adapter. Now while the Wii can't handle the "next gen" HD graphics it can handle 480p DVD level video, and this cable lets you do it.

Thanks in part to Cnet

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Rainbow Six: Vegas

Rainbow Six Vegas

For my first review Rainbow Six Vegas. I'm sure most of us, were stunned when the first Rainbow Six came out for Xbox, since then the franchise has done a lot less than impress to say the least. I'm very proud to say this game alone puts the franchise back on track, it is simply amazing. If there is one thing that makes this game it's hanging upside down from the unlicensed Stratosphere casino called "Vertical Spire" Looking down on the neon lights of Vegas from a thousand feet up with your 92FS pistol aimed at the head of an unsuspecting terrorist and being able to look below you and pick out Vegas' many landmarks.

The single player is amazing. The storyline takes a ton of twists and turns. Amidst the intrigingly developing storyline you find yourself in the mist of intense battles, using whatever cover you can find to command you team and take out enemy terrorists. You play as Logan Keller chasing after Irena Morales, a Mexican terrorist that is smuggling bad guys across the border into the States. Intel says shes in the small border town of San Joshua del Mosquiera. In Mexico, you and your team learn that a major assault is being planned for Las Vegas. We'll leave the rest of the story to you. But I can tell you there will be a sequel.

The graphics are truly next gen along with the lighting both of them put you right in the Vegas. As for the sound its good nothing like the sounds of Call of Duty but they are impressive none the less.

The multilayer has improved quite a bit from the last Rainbow Six. Instead of a Halo run and gun, you find yourself having to communicate with your teammates to coordinate attacks and flank the enemy. You can play the story cooperatively or take part in a wide vary of adversary game modes available such as attack and defend, sharpshooter and, survival. What got me was the fact you can create you own character to look just like you using the Xbox Live Vision Camera and as you go up in rank you unlock more armour, outfits, weaponry and, gadgets.

Overall I would give this game a 8.5/10

Rainbow Six Vegas

To Start Out

My name is Brad, I'm nineteen years old. I work for a marketing company (Elink Media ) . I enjoy console games and enjoy discussing them as well...I guess why I started this blog. I live in beautiful South Florida and have a great girlfriend Cindy.

Anyhow enough of me...In this blog I plan to offer game reviews and news updates concerning anything I feel might be relative to the gaming industry.