Thursday, December 14, 2006

Best Buy is a No Go for Wii

For people trying to hunt down a hard-to-find Wii, there are few things more frustrating than other Wii owners bragging about how they have one. Nintendo's new console has been in short supply since its launch on November 19, and retailers have been selling the consoles as soon as they get them in.

Or maybe that's what they want you to think. Nintendo fan site has posted what is allegedly a scan of an internal Best Buy newsletter, which asks managers not to sell Wiis until December 17, even if the company has units in stock.

Best Buy corporate cites the following three reasons for retaining Wiis in the newsletter:

--"This is the last competitive weekend for holiday shopping, which encourages a large amount of traffic to our retail stores once customers realize the system is available."

--"Customers shopping for other products will have the ability and be encouraged to purchase the gaming console."

--"The system is more readily available then (sic) other competing gaming systems."

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