Monday, December 4, 2006

Pigs Can Fly...

Today is the day pigs will learn to fly and hell freezes over. why might you ask? EA has never been know for it charitable giving, in fact I can't recall them ever giving out anything for free. Well we can all only hope today be the first of many days that EA goes against its norm by giving out free content in the XBLM. No you don't have to go digging through you're desk drawer for your reading glasses, you read right. Today EA is is giving away free throwback jerseys for Madden 07 and alternate jerseys for NCAA 07. Now while we can hope and prey that EA will adapt the timeless thought that it is better to give than receive, I wouldn't keep my fingers crossed. EA has not announced how long these downloads will be made available for free, but knowing EA you better download them tonight before EA decides to change their mind.

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